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Hardware Requirements

Please note the following are the hardware requirements for each node type after the upgrade:

Node TypeMemoryCPUStorageNetwork
Mina Daemon Node32 GB RAM8 core processor with BMI2 and AVX CPU instruction set are required64 GB1 Mbps Internet Connection
SNARK Coordinator32 GB RAM8 core processor64 GB1 Mbps Internet Connection
SNARK Worker32 GB RAM4 core/8 threads per worker with BMI2 and AVX CPU instruction set are required64 GB1 Mbps Internet Connection
Archive Node32 GB RAM8 core processor64 GB1 Mbps Internet Connection
Rosetta API standalone Docker image32 GB RAM8 core processor64 GB1 Mbps Internet Connection
Mina Seed Node64 GB RAM8 core processor64 GB1 Mbps Internet Connection

Mina Daemon Requirements

IP and Port configuration​


By default, the Mina Daemon will attempt to retrieve its public IP address from the system. If you are running the node behind a NAT or firewall, you can set the --external-ip flag to specify the public IP address.


Nodes must expose a port publicly to communicate with other peers. Mina uses by default the port 8302 which is the default libp2p port.

You can use a different port by setting the --external-port flag.

Generation of libp2p keypair​

Each node within the network must possess its own distinct libp2p key pair. Although the same libp2p keys can be reused from before the upgrade, if you need to manually generate new libp2p keys, use the following command:

mina libp2p generate-keypair -privkey-path <path-to-the-key-file>

Further information on generating key pairs on Mina Protocol.

Node Auto-restart

Ensure your nodes are set to restart automatically after a crash. For guidance, refer to the auto-restart instructions